
This is where I'm from, important because it influenced where I'm at.

Thursday 12 December 2013

WINOL 16th October 2013

Another relatively solid bulletin.

Good points:
Alex Delaney did well to link forward to next week's WINOL in his PTC

A good volleyball story although it was mentioned that the participation was perhaps excessive in the story.

Liam literally managed to get 'it's a dream come true' from his interview.

Bad points:

Exiting the title sequence is still awkward a definite point to come out of it should be decided.

The green screen background hasn't been cleaned.

The focus of the camera was off in Calum's package

between Calum and Alex's parts there was a bizarre resurgence of the title music, this occurred again heading into the sports.

Framing in interviews and PTC's for Alex, Harvey and Drew was poor the rule of thirds shouldn't be applied in a PTC go central, and avoid giving too much headroom.

A mistake in sound with the OOV which faded the presenters mic down briefly.

The right idea with the walking PTC for the graduation piece, but a better route was needed as Matt walked almost out of vision as he went through the crowd.

Sports choice to film outside was poor, it makes no sense.

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