
This is where I'm from, important because it influenced where I'm at.

Thursday 12 December 2013

WINOL 9th October 2013

Good points:

A solid bulletin overall, with Matt Spencer doing well to capitalise on the 'legs' of the C.O.M.P.A.S.S meeting story as it was hard-hitting and relevant to any audience in Winchester.

Ellen's bee story was very well put together with a great 'it's a nightmare' quote from the beekeeper and good commitment wearing the beekeeper outfit to sign off.

The UKIP OOV had some great UPSOT of Farage laughing, well done at the sound desk.

Good establishing shots by Zeena in her STOPtober story, awkward to organise but they do make the package much better.

Tom Wright's pacing in his PTC was greatly improved and made for a good court report.

Sports' introduction of 3 cameras makes for much better footage. Although, graphics would add to the overall production.

Not so good points:

The mixing up of the final part of the intro music is really quite distracting.

Emma Wright's education story was faded out a little bit too early.

STOPtober interview with nurse was poorly framed, just needed the application of rule of thirds.

On screen quotes have been criticised, however, they do appear regularly in regional and national news broadcasts.

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